Canadian Casino Tips: How to Find Your Safety Net

Any Canadian gambler with a modicum of experience in the industry will know that in order to triumph at the table you need to employ a range of tactics. Whether it’s managing your money, knowing when to stand and when to hit or simply taking necessary breaks, every move you make in the casino world is integral to your overall success.

However, something every seasoned gambler will also know is that there is one thing you can’t control in the casino world and that’s variance. Regardless of whether you’re inside Canada’s finest establishments, such as Fallsview, Edgewater or Casino de Montreal, or if you’ve decided to ante-up online, swings of positive and negative variance will always impinge on your results.

Understanding the Influence of Variance

   by  jurvetson 

In layman’s terms, variance is the swings of good and bad luck you’ll face at the tables. However, in technical terms, variance simply refers to the statistical distribution of results away from an expected norm. Because every casino game – be it roulette, baccarat, slots or blackjack – is based on odds, the result of a “correct” move won’t always go your way.

In fact, a “correct” move in the casino world is only deemed correct because, in the long run, it’s a move that provides a positive result. Of course, any skilled player in a game such as roulette will have learned the correct moves in every situation. However, when luck isn’t on your side and variance is going against you, it can be tough to win.

Fortunately, however, the online casino world has a built-in safety net. Designed to keep players’ fortunes on an even keel when the tide of luck is flowing against them, this safety net is comprised of online casino bonuses. Coming in a variety of forms, these rewards are basically the best way to control the uncontrollable. While it’s possible to perfect your betting technique, you can’t control variance, so the next best thing to do is nullify its negative effects using casino bonuses.

Price Comparison Sites for Casino Bonuses

   by  jeffdjevdet 

Naturally, like all things today, knowing where to find the best online casino bonuses can be tricky. Fortunately, the internet is a wonderful place and any prospective bonus hunter can now check out a site such as to get the lowdown on all the top offers. Much like Canadian price comparison sites such as or, offers players a breakdown of the best online deals.

Covering all betting activities, from casino games and sports betting to poker, outlines the latest deals, allows you to compare them and even offers some advice on to which ones are best for your needs. Like and, this platform has been designed to give a simple overview of the market so you can get the most value possible.

Ensuring Success in the Betting Arena

   by  DBduo Photography 

Success in the casino world can be hard to come by. While you can always work on your skills and control the controllable, it’s never possible to eliminate the impact of variance (even positive variance can cause problems linked to overconfidence). Fortunately, there are ways to nullify its influence on your game and the best way to do this in the online arena is through bonuses.

Free cash will keep your bankroll afloat when negative variance pinches a few pennies from your purse. By using a dedicated comparison site, you’ll not only get direct access to the latest deals, but an insight into which offers are best for you and your particular persuasion.

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